I love flowers! The sight of them instantly puts me in a better mood. They make me smile. I treasure flowers in all forms - a wild meadow or an English Cottage garden. I love formal gardens and patches of wild flowers in the country. To say it simply, I adore them all and in any setting. I love Daffodils, Hydrangea, Ranunculus, and Magnolias to name just a few. I enjoy the process of planting seeds, watching them sprout, watering and feeding tiny new plants, and then planting them in the ground. The dirt, I like having my hands in the soil.
My passion for growing flowers has inspired me - to start a small seasonal flower market on our family's property and historical farm - White Hall - affectionately known as "The Farm".
This is the first post of hopefully many, documenting the journey of starting from scratch, building and make something special...White Hall Flower Farm!
I'll begin with the most exciting work first. Then we will back track a little to the not so fun cleanup of the farm --that's important and tedious work, but it must be done.
Starting seeds July 8, 2020 - Creating a "concept" garden- Today I planted my first seeds to create garden beds for the fall. I spent the evening planting trays of seeds- labeling, watering and setting them out in the sun. I also recorded each variety in a notebook with how many days to germinate and days until blooms arrive. My goal is to have flowers for my first event in the fall for family and friends!

UPDATE Sept. 2020 : Well here's the deal... this is my first fail to report. Ok it's not 100% a miserable fail, but i'ts mostly it's a fail. The only seeds that survived long enough to sprout into anything at all were my Zinnias. So no fall flowers to give away to family and friends yet. We had torrential rain several times this summer that just wrecked any prospects of my late summer seeds thriving. Needless to say, I'm learning a lot y'all. Here's a photo of an arrangement I made for a friend with some of my Zinnia's that made it! There are also Hydrangea and herbs mixed in this sweet little bouquet! My veggie garden was a success, so I shared the harvest when I could. Here is a little gift I left on my friend's front porch! (yummy fresh garden veggies in the little brown sack).
